
Redefine your online marketing planning & strategy by turning data into actionable insights

Track your traffic from click-to-close. Turn data into actionable insights


Analytics helps you derive actionable insights from the hidden data in your site to redefine your online marketing planning & strategy. It gives you the opportunity to collect information on every aspect of user interaction, right from the moment they enter into your site until they exit. Slicing & dicing of those data thus collected can give a better sense of how effective your online marketing strategy has been so far.

At Mobistreak, we consider Analytics as the core of our marketing efforts across media channels. We track and analyze every user activity on our client’s sites to understand what is impacting campaign’s success. It allows us to focus on metrics that matter most for your campaign success.

Whether you are just getting started, or are already established and looking to expand- we traverse through every breadth and depth of data to derive actionable insights to drive positive results on your marketing efforts.

Analytics account audit

Analytics account audit

We audit your account by looking at the top-level areas, including tracking code, account configuration, data integrity, measurement, conversions, account linking, mobile apps, and AMP analytics.

Tag manager setup

Tag manager setup

We can manage marketing tags thru tag manager so that you don’t have to deal with the tedious job of manually maintain tracking code for each marketing platform. We will set up tracking tags, configure events that cause your tag and track the activities from respective analytics platforms.

Custom reporting and intelligence dashboards

Custom reporting and intelligence dashboards

We build custom reports including dashboards uniquely suited to your business needs. It helps you measure effectiveness your marketing campaigns and focus your efforts on what is working good.

Data analysis and optimization

Data analysis and optimization

Data analysis promotes better decision-making, and optimization is often associated with the best decision which is most effective in helping you reach the desired goals. We make use of a combination of descriptive, and real-time data analysis to analyze the better performing strategies, and scrap the ones which aren’t yielding much results.

Click and Heat Map Analysis

Click and Heat Map Analysis

We perform heat map analysis to track time users spend looking at, clicking on or scrolling through various elements on your website. We use combination of various strategies including scroll map, hover map, click map, attention map etc., to analyze user interactions with your website to determine improvements on your site that would drive maximum conversions.

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