How to Measure the Right Call Tracking Metrics to Get More Quality Leads?

Phone calls are the primary driver of leads for most local businesses. You maybe using a sleek call tracking system, which you think is helping you to optimize your business strategies better BUT there’s a possibility that you’re tracking the wrong metrics. In this article, we’ll help you figure out some key metrics to measure your inbound calls.

They say, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” No matter how long ago those words were coined, they remain accurate to this day. In fact, how can you manage your business and determine whether or not you are benefiting unless you measure and track several performance indicators?

65% of customers find it more convenient to contact businesses by phone, as compared to only 24% who prefer to fill out a web form.

Determining Inbound Marketing Success

If you have business prospects that prefer to make a call to your company, then you MUST use call tracking to measure the success of your inbound marketing efforts. If you want answers to questions like:

  • Which keywords from your marketing campaigns are generating phone calls?
  • Which advertising channels generate the most ROI?
  • What is the information which will help you mold your business’s content marketing strategy?

Below are some key metrics which determine your inbound marketing success:

1. Call Source

Knowing which campaigns and ads direct most calls simplifies the process of deciding where to focus your efforts and budget in the future.

But how can you specifically produce this information if you have the same phone number that appears in newspapers, social media channels, newsletters, ads and landing pages?

To ensure an effective call and report tracking strategy, use dynamic phone numbers.

Pay attention to the “Number dialed” and “Call routed to / destination” columns to see which ads generate the most frequent calls.

Choosing Dynamic Number has several advantages like:

  • Tracking individual performance of each campaign
  • Manage phone numbers effectively without confusion
  • Allows you to present only local phone numbers associated with a prospect’s location

2. Number of Calls

This is really obvious. You would definitely want to monitor this aspect especially if your company relies heavily on calls. While this is something you can track manually, you can use a call tracking software that records the number of calls per hour, day, week, month and even year. It becomes easier for you to notice the call patterns at different times of the day.

By tracking your call volume, you get access to the attribution data and can see which ads generate the most calls. It also provides you a better perspective to understand your companies ROI.

3. Call Duration

You might receive 20 calls per day, but what is the point if most of them last less than a minute? The longer the conversation lasts, the more the chances you have of converting a potential lead into a customer.

After all, why would a person waste so much time talking to your team if they’re not interested in your product or service?

Lasting and meaningful conversations do not reach your business so easily.They’re driven by most of your marketing efforts (SEO, social, PPC, visual advertising and remarketing).

Track the call duration metrics to see the duration of each call and determine which campaigns generate the most effective calls.

4. Conversions

This is the most important metric you should measure if you want to find out how your inbound marketing efforts are performing.

However, you should understand that, while you can get a customer from an incoming call that has lasted all 5 minutes, there are other potential customers who buy only after a few weeks or even months.

Let’s say, PPC is one of the strategies you use to attract customers. If you use a call tracker, you can actually track everything right from the — first interaction to the first click of each potential customer. This data helps you analyse your sales cycle, since you know how long it took to close a deal from the initial contact.

This is important, especially if you want to measure the profitability of the business and the phase in which your potential customers become real customers.

5. Time of Call and location

AdWords campaigns give advertisers the ability to change bids by location, time and device. Call tracking data gives advertisers an opportunity to leverage this feature.

Once you know which calls are being converted, you can adjust the offers based on the types and quality of calls received from different locations, days and hours.

Let’s say, if the calls received on Friday afternoons tend to be from non-converters, you can reduce your bids for that time period. In addition, you can apply the same logic to the locations where your ads are displayed: if you know that a particular metropolitan area produces excellent call leads, you can increase your bid for that area.

6. Landing Page Performance

When users visit your PPC landing page, they often have several options to communicate with your company by:

  • Filling out a contact form.
  • Starting an online conversation with chatbot on the site or
  • Making a direct phone call.

Without call tracking, your PPC conversion rate will seem much lower than it really is.

If you only collect data on the number of completed forms and messages in the online chat, you will miss many useful details for your marketing strategy.

7. Quality

Monitoring the quality of calls is important, especially in inbound marketing, as it measures customer satisfaction. Remember, if customers weren’t satisfied with the conversation, they would leave the call and go elsewhere. On the other hand, they would have no qualms about doing business with you if they liked the way your staff interacts with them (product knowledge, etc.).

Now you have a good idea of ​​which metrics to follow with call tracking. Of course, there are more complex and advanced metrics to incorporate, especially when Universal Analytics is added to the mix, but these seven call tracking metrics are a great place to start.

Need advance call tracking assistance for you business? Call us now and we’ll chart out a suitable plan for your business.

